Pirate's Plunder
In the Caribbean city of Port Royal in Jamaica in the mid-17th century, a mystery unfolds which takes place among some of the most cutthroat villains the world has ever known. While pirate ships head to remote Skull Island searching for Black Jack's treasure, the real treasure map has been located and secured by a person of great interest at your dinner party.
In the Caribbean city of Port Royal in Jamaica in the mid-17th century, a mystery unfolds which takes place among some of the most cutthroat villains the world has ever known. While pirate ships head to remote Skull Island searching for Black Jack's treasure, the real treasure map has been located and secured by a person of great interest at your dinner party.
Tame (Youth friendly) version available here.
To see more details about this Mystery, Click here.
Tame (Youth friendly) version available here.
To see more details about this Mystery, Click here.